Articles and publications

Our latest insights and news on rare disease, and how we’re helping drive change through clinical research.

Sticking to the medicine in rare disease

We all know how important it is for rare disease patients to take their medications as prescribed. Many rare diseases have no cures and the treatment options available are usually for managing symptoms, rather than treating the cause. Not taking the right medications at the right time can lead to symptoms returning.

Keeping rare disease communities and trial participants engaged during the COVID-19 outbreak

It’s safe to say COVID-19 has disrupted all our lives and the work that we do. Research staff are working from home, clinical trials are being suspended or delayed, and patients taking part in studies are facing travel disruptions and potential lockdowns.

After February 29th

Rare Disease Day is a much-needed fixture in the calendar, but the job of delivering new treatments cannot be achieved in a big-bang, once-a-year burst of activity.

Rare Disease R&D

Our founder Julie Walters speaks to Contract Pharma about finding the hard-to-reach and leveraging big data and machine learning in drug development

Alnylam’s bold plan to insure health insurers

A novel pricing mechanism might help payers warm to pricey, ultra-orphan drugs.

Priority review vouchers start to lose their shine

PRV sales have been useful in funding companies’ rare disease-focused ambitions, but perhaps not for much longer.

What’s missing from the FDA’s draft guidance on natural history studies in rare disease

The regulator got a lot of things right, but this is how its thinking could be improved.

A new approach to shortening the diagnostic odyssey

Patient-powered medical education promises to address knowledge gaps in rare disease.

Tackling rare disease with big and small data

Why we need workable models for combining very large datasets with the very small

Get in touch

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